
Regional Tree Warden Forum Get-together

The Perth & Kinross Tree Wardens’ Network enjoyed a great get-together at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh last March. It was also possible to welcome a new Group in Fife – and the Tree Council is working with others to encourage more groups to set up elsewhere across Scotland in the future. We are now planning a second Scottish Tree Warden Forum next spring, so watch this space for further details!

Help Needed

Are there members who could commit an occasional hour or two to help the Network? None of these tasks are onerous, nor do they need a regular commitment, just occasional help two or three times a year. For instance, we need:

  • A Newsletter Editor to create two or three 2-page E-News a year.
  • An Hon. Treasurer (dealing with around 20 transactions a year).
  • PKTWN Programme of Events Organiser – to help create (and occasionally update) an annual programme to list training dates, proposed Forum meeting and ad hoc meetings/field trips, etc.
  • Practical Projects Organiser – in the future there will be opportunities for us to get involved in practical volunteering – removing tree guards, planting trees, pruning fruit trees or checking for disease. We will be starting small before increasing opportunities as time goes on.

Please contact us via if you would like to find out more or offer your help.